Monday, December 14, 2009


Our barn burned to the ground this morning. I called mom to let her know it was burning at 5 am. A man driving by the farm banged on our door to let us know - and I called 911.

As I write this, the firefighters are working hard to save the tack and feed room.

That means that we lost most of our blankets, all our carefully stored small square bales of hay, a few saddles, grooming gear, and all but one of our fence chargers.

Since most of our fences are electric, that means we're scrambling this morning to find alternate places for the geldings and the cows (their fields used the barn as part of the fencing), and to replace the fence chargers. If you have a spare solar fence charger, we'd love to have it until we can get a few more. If you have fence boards and fence posts, we'll take those, too.

The only good thing about this is that there were NO horses in the barn last night. It was mild, so they are all outside.

If you can help with a donation of equipment or cash, it will be gratefully appreciated.


mustangsabby said...

I am praying for you Eleanor. I am so glad that all are safe. Please let me know if there is anything Dad or I can do.

Cherie said...

I am a friend of your mother`s and I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that this happened,for you and for the horses you help. It is good work that you do. It really is devastating to think you are prevented from doing it...even though only temporarily.