And snowed.
And the wind blew. Most of the horses had either a winter blanket or a rainsheet on to keep them dry and warm in the heavy, wet, blowing snow.
The heavy wet snow bent a lot of trees down. It was almost as though we were headed for another ice storm (January 1998 - Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec were devastated by days of freezing rain).
Now, on Friday, it's 15C (about 55F), the sun is shining, and most of the snow is gone. The weekend is supposed to be a bit cooler, but the high for Monday is warmer than today.
We have a new stallion arriving early next week. Classy Bingo Bar, a registered APHA Tobiano. He'll be standing at stud next spring (2009) at an introductory rate of $200 (plus mare care).
Call or email to book your spot now! I'll post more photos when he arrives so you can see how handsome he is from all sides.
Levi has been adopted!
A 14-year old girl down the road from the farm adopted Levi last night. He'll be here at the farm for two more weeks, then moving down the road. She hopes to compete locally with Levi next spring and summer, and he'll be a companion for her sister's horse.
Grandma Reba has a sponsor! Alexandria decided that she will sponsor Reba since Levi was adopted. Thank you, Alexandria!
We're still looking for a sponsor for Soul. She's in Our Soul is a ex-racehorse that won quite a bit of money at the track and had a couple of winning foals, but was discarded when her owners decided that she wasn't useful anymore. She ended up at a sale barn where she starved because she wasn't dominent enough to push her way to the hay bale. She got the leavings, and ate a lot of binder twine (the vet had to remove it from her bowel), further hindering her ability to absorb nutrients.
When she came in March 2008, the vet thought she wouldn't last another week as she was so emaciated. You could see every bone in her body - a walking skeleton. A month later, the vet didn't recognize her as she looked so much better.
She has put on about 300 lbs and she's still gaining weight slowly, and the vet says she's healthy now. She'll never race again, and will always be lame as the tendons on her front legs are badly bowed and have been fired at least once.
Soul is a sweetheart to handle and loves to be groomed. She'll stand in the aisle for hours if you have a brush in your hand. If you'd like to sponsor Soul, please send us an email.
Remember: Our spooktacular Halloween Fun Day will be on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, starting at noon! Bring your pony costume stuff and your own costume. There will be prizes and loot bags!!
Remember: Our spooktacular Halloween Fun Day will be on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, starting at noon! Bring your pony costume stuff and your own costume. There will be prizes and loot bags!!
Natasha and I took Sneakers and Spot out trick-or-treating in Casselman. Natasha was a cowgirl, Sneakers was a cow, and Spot was a unicorn. Spot and Sneakers were a big hit - and both were really well behaved. I'll post pictures later.